10 Facebook Live Tips

We've been running a Facebook Live Challenge over in our Group - Social Souls. If you want to join in then visit the Group at any point in June - and choose 7 days that work for you. You'll find the 7 topics pinned to the top of the feed in the Group. Meanwhile... here's the 10 tips document...

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Lessons in Social Media: What's the ROI of Golf Umbrellas?

Over the years, I’ve worked with a number of professional services firms – and in the past, as their marketing consultant, I’ve had too many discussions around golf umbrellas. Don’t get me wrong, I have my own collection of golf umbrellas, in fact, I probably have about 5 or 6 of them in the boot of my car. Every now and again, one comes in handy – particularly when loading up the boot in the rain and I need extra shelter.

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How To Create An Effective Content Marketing Plan

Great content marketing is key to your marketing efforts and can reap huge rewards for businesses, both large and small, but how do you ensure what you are creating isgreat content? It’s a question we all need to ask ourselves, whether setting out to create content for the first time or thinking of developing an existing approach. 

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Facebook Advertising Tips, Tricks and Shortcuts from a seasoned Pro!

As part of our first series of Facebook Lives on our free social media and digital marketing group, Social Souls - Sarah Kerrigan, social media evangelist and trainer at Jellyfish Agency, joined us for a LIVE. Sarah shared so many gems about how to optimise your Facebook Advertising campaigns.

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Social Tech, Working Smarter and the Power of the Collective

A few weeks ago, I decided to set up Social Souls. A private group specifically for people who have questions around social media or digital marketing.

Why set up a group? Well, pretty much, on a weekly basis, I get an email or a message asking me a question. Largely, the message goes something along the lines of…

‘Hi Michelle – in your capacity as social media ‘queen’, ‘guru’, ‘expert’ … (of which I am none by the way), … what do you suggest…, how do I do…, do you know how I…? Etc, etc.

You get the picture.

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Video Still Rules In 2018!

We’re pretty much at the start of a brand new year. And while we are on the subject, I’d like to wish you a very Happy New Year – are you looking forward to 2018? I certainly am!

I predict exciting developments ahead for marketing and social media this year – and if you take a look around at those predicting which trends are likely to have an impact, they agree.

So, what are the top predictions I hear you cry! Well… the main standout so far is yet again, video – both live streaming, recorded and ads – and how ‘video’ is set to continue to dominate our social media feeds.

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