Michelle talks Social Media Know How with Talk Radio Europe

Since the launch of our book on Amazon, The Business of Being Social – the team at Crimson Publishers have been hard at work driving PR. This is the second interview I’ve had – and my co-author, David Taylor has also had a few. You canmichelle carvill talks social media tips and twitter libel and facebook privacy settings find the full collection via the blog which supports our book – http://www.thebusinessofbeingsocial.co.uk.

This interview is packed with information and tips about how not only individuals should be safeguarding their activity on social – but also explores the many benefits and shares some tips and tactics for businesses. From Sally Bercow to Facebook Privacy settings – it’s all going on. You can hear the radio show here. Michelle Carvill Talks Social Media with Talk Radio Europe 13-0604 4.25pm

Enjoy and do let us know your views too.

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